Department of Aesthetics and Art History

スクリーンショット 2024-02-05 12.43.05.pngDepartment of Aesthetics and Art History

Thinking about beauty, tracing its history, and creating it.

Learning about the living form of art.

Unraveling and exploring the essence of art through Japanese and world history.

The Department of Aesthetics and Art History consists of four areas: Aesthetics, Art History, Art Practice, and Art Management.

Aesthetics: To think about beauty and art theoretically and philosophically.

Art History: To explore how human beings have created beauty by learning about the history of art, with a focus on Western and Japanese art history.

Art Practice: To learn a wide range of practical skills, mainly painting and design, but also sculpture, Japanese painting, textile dyeing and weaving, ceramics, etc., and improve individual creative skills.

Art Management: To make a wide range of research by considering and practicing the state of society and the arts.

There are only a few departments in Japan that offer these four areas of study in the Faculty of Letters, and our department offers a good balance of the four according to each student's interests. In addition, fieldwork programs such as hands-on experience at art sites, self-directed learning in collaboration with towns and companies, and on-site training are also a major feature of the department.
