論文 |
共著 |
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 8(2)
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 8(2), 163-192. |
平成30年2月 |
単著 |
"Mixed Predicates" are, in fact, Atom Predicates. |
Proceedings of the 36th Penn Linguistics Colloquium, Article 9. |
平成25年2月 |
単著 |
The amount of an event in the Japanese Floating Quantifier Construction |
『日本言語学会第137会大会予稿集』、368-373. |
平成20年11月 |
単著 |
The amount of an event in the Japanese Flating Quantifier Construction and Collectivity |
『群馬県立女子大学紀要』第29号,37-46. |
平成20年2月 |
単著 |
Collectivity in the Japanese Split Quantifier Construction. |
Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Linguistics,91-100 |
平成18年7月 |
単著 |
Japanese - tachi plurals |
Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 31 |
平成18年 |
単著 |
Internally Headed Constructions in Japanese: A Unified Approach. |
Montreal, PQ: McGill University Dissertation |
平成16年6月 |
単著 |
Event Matters in the Object Internally-Headed Relative Clause. Proceedings of WECOL 2002 124-135 |
Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno |
平成15年 |
単著 |
A Dual Function of tokoro in the CENP construction |
Coyote Papers: Proceedings of the poster session of WCCFL 18, ed. by Peter Norquest, Jason D. Haugen, and Sonya Bird |
平成12年 |
単著 |
Adjunct Control Verbs |
Linguistics in the Morning Calm 4: Selected papers from SICOL '97, ed. by the Linguistic Society of Korea, 313-326. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company. |
平成11年 |