論文 |
共著 |
Second language processing of English definite noun phrases by Spanish speakers and Japanese speakers
Journal of Second Language Studies 6(2), 319-347.
2023年 |
共著 |
An investigation of subject-orientation in the processing of Japanese reflexive zibun by native Japanese and Chinese-speaking learners |
Journal of Second Language Studies, 6(2), 348-377 |
2023年 |
共著 |
The long term effect of explicit instruction on learners' knowledge on English articles |
Language Teaching Research 23(2), 179-199. |
2019年 |
単著 |
第二言語習得における形態素の習得ーWh-in-situ疑問文の習得からの考察ー |
白畑知彦・須田孝司 編『第二言語習得研究モノグラフシリーズ2ー語彙・形態素習得への新展開』くろしお出版 |
2018年 |
共著 |
Addressing fluctuation in article choice by Japanese learners of L2 English through explicit instruction |
Instructed Second Language Acquisition 2(2), 164-188. |
2018年 |
共著 |
Acquiring antecedents for reflexives when both L1 and L2 permit long-distance binding |
Journal of European Second Language Association 1(1), 38-48. |
2017年 |
共著 |
Past Tense Morphology in Chinese-Japanese Interlangauge: Evidence for Prosodic Transfer |
Second Language 10, 51-77. |
2011年 |
単著 |
Second Language Acquisition of Japanese Wh-constructions |
Ph.D. dissertation, McGill University, Montreal, PQ |
2008年 |
単著 |
Wh-scope marking in English-Japanese interlanguage |
Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America 2 |
2007年 |
単著 |
Wh-movement in L2 grammars: Evidence for parameter resetting |
Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America 1 |
2006年 |
単著 |
Wh-movement in Japanese-English Interlanguage: Evidence from Scope and Reconstruction |
Proceedings of the 29th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development |
2005年 |