留学・学生生活Studying abroad・student life


GPWU asks those who would like to apply for GPWU as exchange students to submit the following documents.

Nomination Deadline

 ・March 15th ( For those who would like to study from October 1st )
 ・September 15th( For those who would like to study from April 1st )

Application Deadline

 ・April 15th ( For those who would like to study from October 1st )

 ・October 15th( For those who would like to study from April 1st )

※ You need to download Adobe Reader of Japanese version in order to read PDF files.

Documents Notes


特別聴講生願(Application for Special Students).pdf

特別聴講学生願(Application for Special Students).doc


留学期間半年の場合: 留学時期(前期または後期)開講講座から5コマ以上選択

留学期間1年の場合: 前期開講講座から5コマ以上、後期開講講座から5コマ以上、計10コマ以上選択

One Semester Program : Choose at least 5 courses from the courses of the semester.

Two Semester Program : Choose at least 5 courses from 1st Semester courses and 5 courses from 2nd Semester courses.

Course Syllabus will be availabe on our webpage.

2 群馬県立女子大学での留学で学びたいこと.docx.(800字~1,000字)


an essay about what you would like to study and learn at GPWU(800~1,000 letters in Japanese)


日本語能力証明(Language Proficiency Report ).pdf

日本語能力証明(Language Proficiency Report).doc


Professor recommendation (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N2 or equivalent)


(日本語能力試験取得者は)日本語能力試験成績証明書の写し(Copy of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test)


大学学長推薦書(President Recommnedation)


健康診断書(Health Certificate).pdf


経費支弁書(Letter of Financial Support).pdf

経費支弁書(Letter of Financial Support).doc


銀行作成の財政証明書(Official Bank Statement )



All educational background


最終卒業高校/大学の卒業証明書・成績証明書( Certificate of High School/University Graduation and Grades )


大学/大学院の在学証明書・成績証明書 ( Certificate of University/Graduate School Enrollment anf Grades )


顔写真データ(Face Photo)

4 cm in height x 3 cm in width

※ 指定の規格を満たした写真であること。

Photo that meets the specified standards

Application for Residence Qualification


在留資格認定証明書交付申請書(Application for Certificate of Eligibility).xlsx

申請人等作成用 1・2P・3Pに記入

For applicant, part1, part2P, part3P


旅券の写し(Copy of Passport)



After Coming to Japan 在留カード手続き用写真1枚(One Face Photo for applying for Residence Card) 4 cm in height x 3 cm in width
印鑑(Name Seal)

・Needed for opening a bank account.

・1~2 cm in diameter.

・If you do not have your seal, please tell GPWU. You can buy it about ¥500.


出入国在留管理庁 Immigration Service Agency of Japan

外務省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

日本語能力試験 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test

日本留学試験(日本学生支援機構) Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students

【個人情報取得の目的】The purspose of getting personal information

 ○ 取得した個人情報については、法令に定めがある場合を除き、下記のために利用します。

The personal information you provide for us will be used for the follwing things unless otherwise required.

   ① 学生との事務連絡  To contact students for the study-abroad program.

   ② 奨励金支給事務手続き To apply for the GPWU scholarship.

   ③ 留学先担当者との連絡調整 To contact the person in charge of the partner universites.

   ④ その他、留学手続き等に必要な業務 Others neccessary for study-abroad program.

 ○ ご不明な点は、下記までご連絡ください。 If you have any questions, please let us know.

   外国語教育研究所 Foreign Language Research Institute

電話 0270-65-8511

